Faculty & Staff Open Forums

This past spring the WQTF hosted a series of four (4) open meetings/forums with CFAES faculty and staff to invite input and engage in discussion about the structure of a future CFAES WQ Initiative.  The open forums were 90 minutes each (times/locations below) and the discussion was guided by the following questions - see also this handout

What are the most pressing issues the WQI should address? 

What are the priority impacts and sources of impairment

What specific kinds of activities and programs should be included in the CFAES Water-Quality Initiative? 

THANK YOU to everyone who participated!  We had about 60 faculty and staff engaged in lively dialogue, sharing valuable insights on this important topic.  


We previously drafted this at-a-glance summary of high-level topics raised and discussed by participants.   A detailed summary of these forums is available here: 

Faculty Open Forums Report

Dates & Locations flyer
  • April 4, 2018 - Columbus - Agricultural Administration Building
  • April 6, 2018 - Wooster - Research Services Building
  • April 9, 2018 - Zoom (online)
  • April 12, 2018 - Columbus - Agricultural Administration Building